About me
Asif Ekbal is currently a Professor in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, IIT Jodhpur. Prior to this, he has been an Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Patna (March 29, 2017- April 26, 2024), and an Assistant Professor in the same department since January 27, 2011 to March 28, 2017. Before joining IIT Patna, he spent approximately 2 years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Heidelberg University, Germany and University of Trento, Italy. He has been pursuing research in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Applied Machine Learning since the last 20 years, and has made significant contributions. He has authored around 300 papers in top-tier conferences like AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, EMNLP, COLING, NAACL, and journals like Computational Linguistics, PLOS One, ACM Transactions, IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing etc. Asif has been involved in several sponsored research projects, funded by the different industries, such as Elsevier, Accenture, ezDI, LG, Skymap, Samsung, Flipkart; and Govt. agencies such as MeiTY, Govt. of India; Imprint, Govt. of India, MHA, Govt. of India etc. He has recently served as an PC Co-chair, Area Chair, and PC members to several well-known conferences like ICONIP, AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, EACL, HLT/NAACL etc. He is serving as an Associate Editor of ACM Transaction on Asian and Low-resource Language Information Processing (ACM TALLIP), ACM; Editorial Board member of Computer Speech and Language, Elsevier; Editorial Board member, Plosone; Action Editor, Neural Networks, Elsevier; Editorial Board Member, Natural Language Processing, Oxford University Press; Editorial Board Member, Journal of Intelligent Information System, Elsevier; Associate Editor, Sadhana (journal of Indian Academy of Sciences), Springer; Springer Nature CS, Springer. He has served as an Editorial Board Member, Machine Translation, Springer. He is the Secretary of the NLP Association of India, and Member, AI Standardization Committee, Govt of India. He is an awardee of the "Best Innovative Project Award from the Indian National Academy of Engineering", Govt. of India, "JSPS Invitation Fellowship" from Govt of Japan and "Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research Fellowship Award" of the Govt. of India.